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If you're new to the faith or looking to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus, then we'd love to have you join us! We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:07, and many meet in small groups throughout the week.


About Us

Mission Road is a part of the church of Christ that Jesus Himself began more than 2,000 years ago. We are a young, non-denominational, church committed to the restoration of authentic, New-Testament Christianity. The mission is to help people fulfill God's purpose for their lives.


While this is a young church, the Mission Road ministry team is made up of people with many years of ministry experience. Some are experienced church planters, preachers, former deacons, youth ministers, missionaries, Bible teachers, children's ministers, women's ministry leaders, addiction recovery ministers, marriage enrichment facilitators, camp counselors, finance counselors, worship leaders and more. We love to serve Jesus by helping people find their divine place in this world and live it out.


You are created by God in His image with a purpose. Most never discover God's plan, much less actually do it. ​Deep, inner joy, peace and contentment are only fully realized when we are in step with God--being who you were made to be and doing what you were designed to do. We want to help you enjoy life to the full by discovering and living out God's unique purpose for you.


Please come and join us on God's exciting and challenging mission road.

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